Green Digital Innovation HUB (Green eDIH) announces its enrollment in the National Selection Procedure for the EDIH Network conducted by ADR


Green Digital Innovation HUB (Green eDIH) announces its enrollment in the National Selection Procedure for the EDIH Network conducted by ADR (the Authority for the Digitalization of Romania), being the only digital innovation HUB in the Bucharest-Ilfov region that operates exclusively DIGITAL, having a unique and innovative concept that will allow it to become the most important Center of Excellence in Digitalization and Innovation in the region.


The Digital HUB was set up to support the Bucharest-Ilfov region’s alignment with European standards for digitization, innovation, and research and development through state-of-the-art green technologies. Green eDIH welcomes regional and national entities: Associations, Clusters, Employer Structures, Academic Environment, Research, and Statistical Institutes, Private SMEs and Large Companies, Local and Central Authorities, as well as any entity that can bring more value to a further accelerated and efficient development, facilitating their access to all necessary resources to implement digital transformation through innovation and advanced knowledge transfer successfully.

The registration of new members from the Bucharest-Ilfov region is done exclusively DIGITAL, by applying online on the official website


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