Green technology is a general term that describes the use of technology and science to create green products and services.
Green technology specifically refers to products or services that improve operational performance while reducing costs, energy consumption, waste, or adverse effects on the environment.
The goal of green technology is to protect the environment, repair past environmental damage, and conserve the Earth’s natural resources.
The term “technology” refers generally to the use of a set of theoretical knowledge, of working methods and materials for achieving practical goals. The “green technologies” field covers methods, innovative and evolving materials, used in many practical projects, from power generation to production of non-toxic detergents or vehicles with zero carbon emissions.
It is expected and also desirable that the “green technology” should produce innovation and should generate changes in the lives of individuals and of society. Their impact will be similar to the information technology burst, which we witness in recent decades.
addressing the needs of society through long-term solutions without damage nature or deplete natural resources. In other words, addressing the needs of modern society without compromising the ability of future generations to solve their own needs.
design products required by the society in complete cycles so that they can be fully recycled and reinserted into the production circuit, eliminating waste.
prevent waste and pollution by changing patterns of production and consumption.
developing alternative materials and technologies that can replace those that harm the environment and human health, such as fossil fuels or chemicals used in intensive agriculture.
including, in early stage of design, the green technology and materials that protect the environment and human health in models and economic cycles with the potential for human resource insertion and creation of new jobs and new professions.
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